UK Digital Skills Task Force

In 2013 Maggie was asked by the Labour Party to write a report on Digital Skills and agreed to do it for the same reason she founded TeenTech –  out of frustration that so many young people were missing out on the opportunities available to them in an ever-expanding digital world, in spite of being the most tech-savvy generation we’ve ever had. However, in order to assemble the best people onto the UK Digital Skills Taskforce and prevent any bias in the recommendations, this was  undertaken as an independent review with no input from any political party.

Digital Skills for Tomorrow’s World put forward recommendations for government but also for what students, parents, schools, communities and businesses could do immediately to make sure people of all ages benefit from the opportunities offered by the acquisition of digital skills. The report emphasised how business, education and government  needed to work together immediately to make a difference.

The report has been widely used by policy makers and was cited over 4o times by the House of Lord’s report on Digital Skills.

Maggie also assembled The Young Digital Taskforce to inform thinking and this methodology was carried into her work with the Haringey STEM Commission in 2016


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January 18, 2024